Bad Drivers Are Getting Their Own TV Show?!

Now this is one new show I am going to have to watch! There’s a new TV show on TLC which is going to highlight all of the bad drivers caught on camera. Wonder if they got me running my car into one of those yellows poles at McDonalds or the time I hit the curb and popped the two tires on the drivers side of my car! I sure hope not! Those were innocent accidents of course! 

You know what TV producers love? Cheap, sensational content. That, incidentally, is the Internet’s number one export. Marry the two and you have TLC’s newest special: Out of Control Drivers. We’ll let you guess what the show’s about. If you’re a viral video junkie, you’ve likely seen a lot of these – maybe all of them – already. Still, this is can’t-avert-your-eyes stuff, as demonstrated in the two videos embedded after the jump.

The first promo is just a highlight-reel trailer for the show, designed to whet your overall appetite for vehicular mayhem. The second video is a full segment showing what happens when a sleeping driver takes an unplanned detour through a gas station. Spoiler alert: things get ugly. Fast. – AutoBlog

Check out these promo videos and check your local listings for show times. 

Well, did you make these videos? I’m in the clear for now! ha ha. 



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